I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend and caught up on some much needed rest and family time. I did manage to catch up on both of those things, but also had an appearance at the Georgetown Speedway this past Sunday. It was pretty much an all day event that started at 2pm and I got home around 2am. It was a wonderful time though! We raised money for MDSO, MDOT, and CMN. Several members of the Miss Delaware Board were there to help with the table for the Chinese Auction we had, to escort us around the raceway while we sold 50/50 raffle tickets, and to help out in any way we needed assistance. On top of several board members, I also got to spend the day with some of Delaware's loveliest ladies, Shaila, Kristina, Erin, and Katelynn who were all there as local titleholders to help out. Of course, how could I forget my little sis Danielle's company as well for the day! We sold hundreds of 50/50 and auction tickets while raising awareness for each of these organizations. All of us titleholders were able to take pictures with some of the drivers in the pit area before the races and with the drivers that won each race later that night. We were each introduced on the track and had a small interview to help the race fans know a little bit more about us and our cause as well.
The staff at Georgetown Speedway were very welcoming and were a great help with our fundraiser. Throughout the day, I learned how to get in/out of a race car and fire suit with the help of one of the drivers, which for anyone that was there it was quite the funny moment, I did 5 kart wheels in a row to win a racing tee shirt from one of the vendors, and rode around one of the races in the pace truck. It was an amazing experience and yet another one of those Miss Delaware memories I will never forget. There are so many opportunities that I am able to experience and I cherish each of them, because if it were not for this title I may have never had the chance to do them.
Luckily the rain held off for the night, but it became rather chilly as the night went on. Danielle and I had a small autograph signing in the beginning of the race during the qualifyings, and one of the drivers sent over someone with an autographed card of his race car and asked to do a card swap for one of my photo cards! I thought that was pretty neat!
I ran into the guys from Wheel 2 Wheel on CAT Country that night as well. Each of us titleholders were able to choose one car from a specific series to be our representative in the race. Then we waited for their race to come up and whatever car won or was closest to first, that we picked, helped one of us win money towards our platform. Naturally I picked the Wheel 2 Wheel car driven by Kelly number 59! He represented me well, however Shaila's car ended up winning the race. Due to her driver winning the race she had a nice sum of money donated to CMN in her name! How awesome is that?!?!
I want to thank everyone that helped out and donated to these wonderful nonprofit organizations that mean so much to all of us. I know I had a great time being at the race and participating in the event. Jessica and everyone at Georgetown Speedway, thanks again for your help and generosity. Cat Coutry's Wheel 2 Wheel and Cool 101.3, thank you for advertising the event and having me into your studios to talk about it.
As a side note, Rich Hatter was an awesome photographer that night and took over 200 pictures for me so I will not be able to post all of them. If there are any others you would like to see please leave a comment and I will put it up for you. Thanks Rich! Thanks also to everyone that donated an auction item, it was greatly appreciated.
This weekend I will be at CHOP for a radiothon with some other state titleholders within the area. Then on Saturday I will be at the Milford Fall Festival and then the Kent County Meals on Wheels event is later that evening. I look forward to telling you all about them!
Till next time...
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